ITS Enjoy Another BFBI Midland Section Event

We always have a great time at BFBI events and the Midland Luncheon that took place at the Albert Hall in Nottingham this year was no different.

This year’s guest speaker, Neil Hanson, former editor of The Good Beer Guide, prolific and successful author and ghost writer to dozens of bestselling authors was a particular highlight.

Not only do these occasions provide opportunity to speak with those that know the industry and the challenges we are all facing currently, but invariably, we walk away having met some inspiring people and when we are really lucky, we have made friends as well.

Obviously, the pretty amazing beers on tap help the flow of networking too 🙂

Until the next one – Cheers to you all!

#networking #breweries #foodandbeverage

Tracy Buckingham Andrew Jeans Tamsin Smith