🛠 ITS Servicing Showcase 🛠

We recently had an Alfa Laval Opti Lobe 23 pump sent to us for inspection after reports that the rotors were not moving—indicating a possible bearing failure. Upon closer examination, it turns out there was more to the story! 🔍

What we found:

•Extra seals had been added, or old ones were left in place, which created unnecessary complications.

•The back casing showed signs of damage, and both rotors had also suffered.

However, no challenge is too big for our experienced service engineering team! 💪

After removing the extra seals and addressing the damage, we gave the pump a full service, which included:

✨ Clearing off all the damages from the back casing and rotors.

✨ A complete clean-down of the entire pump system.

The Opti Lobe 23 is now back in prime condition, ready to perform once again, thanks to our skilled team. 🏆 Another great save—done by yours truly!

Want to find out more about ITS Servicing and Maintenance offerings – Visit https://www.industrialtradingsolutions.com/its-servicing/

#pumpservicing #OptiLobe23 #engineeringexcellence #ITSShowcase #teamwork #alfalaval #distributingsolutions #processingexcellence