Precise Flow Control – Flow-How from Anderson-Negele

FLOW-HOW made by Anderson-Negele: Flow control with FMQ – From ITS

Precise flow control is an efficient way to automate processes and to save resources in many dairy and beverage applications. With the FMQ electromagnetic flow meter, we are realigning the cost-benefit ratio. Especially in times of rising prices for raw materials, product and energy, a closer look at all processes is worthwhile.

An inexpensive and compact all-rounder, the electromagnetic FMQ is a versatile, robust and reliable flowmeter for all conductive media. The performance spectrum is tailored to the needs of hygienic food processing. With an operating range from 30…640.000 l/h and a measuring accuracy of ± 0.5 % ± 2 mm/s, it covers most applications, including dosing, filling, and CIP process control.

The FMQ is equipped with a digital IO-Link interface in addition to a 4…20 mA output.

Put an end to product losses and save money through precise flow measurement in all process steps! Discover all advantages of the FMQ Flow meter:

Visit the ITS website for more information:

FMQ Magnetic-inductive Flow meter

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