COVID-19 Coronavirus Update

In the light of the issues relating to the growing spread of the COVID-19 virus Industrial Trading Solutions are taking some early actions to mitigate the spread while continuing to offer an unparalleled level of Technical Support and next day service from our complete hygienic range of products.

From 16th March 2020 we are withdrawing our three Regional Sales Managers from their current full-time role of customer visits across various industries throughout the UK. The three RSM’s will now be office based for the foreseeable future and will continue to support customers by e-mail, telephone contact and selective visits (when requested or essential), for project discussions, technical issues, and any specific site-based problems.

In addition, we have a number of Manufacturer trained technical engineers in Coleshill who provide specific customer support as well as a large ‘local’ stock of products and spares. We also have the development and repair centre staff who can carry out urgent site maintenance as required.

The current delivery situation from Sweden, Denmark, Germany and France appears to be unaffected and we will continue to offer next day delivery for as long as possible. (Alfa Laval, Mouvex, Bornemann, KMH, MCPI, Pipetite, Depa, Tri Clover, etc)

However, for larger projects or orders you may need to consider some possible future delivery delays if factories do close, the earlier we receive your order the less chance there is of a delay, particularly if the equipment/order is time critical.

Deliveries from Italy have become an issue, but we can source and supply any currently unavailable products from alternative locations.

We will continue to update you on the changing delivery situation on various products via our new website.

We have already put into place emergency measures in anticipation of a worsening situation and these include supporting you from home-based locations to ensure a continuation of our service.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help with technical assistance, breakdowns, additional process optimisation – or simply re-evaluating your level of emergency spares. It now may also be a good time to have servicing work done on any spare and emergency pumps.

Please contact us – we are here to help.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and keep watching our website news section for updates.