🛠 ITS Servicing Showcase 🛠

Case Study Spotlight: We recently received a service call from one of our customers, experiencing flow disruption with their Mouvex SLS2 eccentric disc pump system. The flow of their jam was failing to reach the designed flow rates.🍓

🔎After a thorough inspection, our ITS Servicing & Maintenance team pinpointed the issue: the pipework from the IBC to the inlet was restricting flow to the pump.

Our solution:

  • 🔧We increased the pipework diameter from the IBC to the inlet.
  • 🔄We also reconfigured the inlet by rotating it 90 degrees to optimise the flow.

The result? An instant improvement—restoring the jam’s flow to its designed capacity.

Another problem was solved by ITS Servicing, resulting in another happy customer!

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#pumpservicing #flowoptimisation #engineeringsolutions #fruitpreserves #ITSServicingShowcase #teamwork #viscous #DistributingSolutions #ProcessingExcellence #jam #Mouvex #SLS2